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Friday, June 19, 2015

Survey Results

1.) With our survey, my partner and I were trying to understand BYOD. How it could be improved and what peoples' thoughts in it were.
2.) The demographic questions we asked weren't necessarily essential to the results of our answer. How many devices you own and what your think of BYOD is not affected by your gender or what grade you are in.
3.) If I could change one thing about my survey it would be the length. The most common thing people suggested was the make the survey shorter, and the topic isn't the most entertaining.
4.) For this particular survey, boy vs girl results did not matter and weren't different. For other surveys, however, like the sports, car, and golf ones, the demographic line may be a little thicker.
5.) I think question 3 was an important question in our survey because it told us if student believed all classes should involve media or just some, or none. It told us a lot about what people ultimately thought of BYOD.
6.) Here are some things I can gather from our combined results:
+ Almost everyone has at least one device they can bring to and use in school.
+ About 2-3 of students' classes use media regularly during class.
+ WiFi is not available on a regular basis.
7.) I got to use Google forms for the first time and that was the most fun thing about this project.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

3 2 1 Sports Marketing Wrap Up

3 Main Goals of Operating the Football Franchise:
Get as many fans to come as possible using promotions, advertising, etc.
Don't get fined by hiring more staff and security
Keep the fans coming

2 Most Difficult Aspects of Managing the Franchise:
Making a profit in general
Player management

1 Easiest Aspect of Managing the Franchise:
Market research

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Virtual Sports 3-2-1 

Share 3 areas you might be challenged with when working on this "New Franchise" project.Share 2 areas you think you will excel at in this project Share 1 aspect you consider to be the most important while doing this project.

1.) With the smaller lessons we worked on before, we were focusing on one component at a time. Now we have to consider all the aspects of a franchise at once. 
2.) There is going to be a lot of things you have to keep track of and make sure you are not getting fined or losing business for a certain reason.
3.) In the lessons, you were automatically given a city. Now we have to do a lot of market research to figure out which city is best for our franchise. And it affects your franchise greatly.
1.) I think I will excel in market research. I have gotten a lot of practice and I know exactly what to research and what questions to ensue.
2.) I think I will do well in sponsorship because with doing the lesson earlier, I now should know how to get the most money for each position.
1.) I think the city you choose is a primary aspect that is the most important while doing this project. You need to make sure your city is populated, dedicated, and has some money to spend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Chapter 3 Scavenger Hunt

Image result for detective clipart
Instead of a Chapter 3 test, our teacher asked us to go on a internet scavenger hunt, giving me and my partner a set of 25 questions. We divided up the questions, and got to work. I was assigned questions 14-25 and I learned quite a lot. I learned all kinds of things, from the most popular worldwide sport, to when the next Special Olympics event will be in Massachusetts. It is cool how you can learn so much just from reading the Google docs we created. The questions were all very varied and a lot was learned. I think the easiest task for me was questions 16-18 because we had just done an assignment on the exact thing a week or so earlier and all I had to do was go back to that assignment on Google docs and get the information. Having a partner was great because I only had to do about half the questions. We divided and conquered and I learned a lot without having to do so much work. Doing this alone wouldn't have been horrible because it would have only been a little extra research but having a partner made it quick and easy. And you also has someone to ask if you needed guidance. I think this is a fair assessment for chapter three because we did a lot of research in chapter three and this really put our skills to the test. We were not given and guidance from the instructor so the partnerships were on their own and some of the questions were very challenging, just like on a test. This assignment had a variety of questions, from fun ones to more challenging and daunting ones.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Amateurism in Sports

The NCAA is an organization for amateur sports at college/university level. It is divided into three divisions.
In this activity, we were asked to go the official NCAA website ( and study Divisions I, II, and III. We had to note their philosophies, the number of schools that made it up, and what made each division unique.
We then had to compare and contrast the three divisions in a table. 
Division I offers the most generous number of scholarships. Its focus is maintaining a high academic standard for student-athletes in addition to a wide range of opportunities for athletics participation.
Division II's goal is to compete at a high level of scholarship athletics while excelling in the classroom and fully engaging in the broader campus experience.
Division III, the largest, wants to minimize the conflicts between athletics and academics and helps student-athletes progress.
After this activity, I learned a lot about each division, and I learned how they relate, and also how they differ.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Endorsement and Piracy

Celebrity Athlete Endorsement:
"Use the following companies and/or individuals to research one of the above topics."

Michael Jordan – Under Armour (

David Ortiz - Samsung (

Peyton Manning – Papa Johns commercials

Mike Trout- Nike Products (

Miguel Cabrera- is not involved in any endorsement deals but is featured in a new Chrystler commercial (

Jonathan Toews- Bauer Hockey (

Andrew Luck- Klipsch (

In MGM v. Grokster, the high court overturned a ruling that had barred Hollywood and the music industry from suing Internet services used by consumers to swap songs and movies for free.
The decision was one of two key Internet-related cases that the Supreme Court handed down Monday. The justices also overturned a prior ruling that required cable operators to open up their high-speed Internet lines to rivals. (For more on that decision, click here.)
In Grokster, the court did not address the question of whether the technology at issue in the case -- known as file-sharing, or "peer-to-peer" -- is illegal. Rather, the justices focused on the actions of the peer-to-peer software companies named in the case, Grokster Ltd.


Hi! My name is Jessica and I am a sophomore at Reading Memorial High School. I am a twin and also have an older brother. I avidly play softball and participate in the drama club occasionally. This blog will be used for my Sports and Entertainment Marketing class. I look forward to learning about this field throughout the course of the semester! :)