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Friday, June 19, 2015

Survey Results

1.) With our survey, my partner and I were trying to understand BYOD. How it could be improved and what peoples' thoughts in it were.
2.) The demographic questions we asked weren't necessarily essential to the results of our answer. How many devices you own and what your think of BYOD is not affected by your gender or what grade you are in.
3.) If I could change one thing about my survey it would be the length. The most common thing people suggested was the make the survey shorter, and the topic isn't the most entertaining.
4.) For this particular survey, boy vs girl results did not matter and weren't different. For other surveys, however, like the sports, car, and golf ones, the demographic line may be a little thicker.
5.) I think question 3 was an important question in our survey because it told us if student believed all classes should involve media or just some, or none. It told us a lot about what people ultimately thought of BYOD.
6.) Here are some things I can gather from our combined results:
+ Almost everyone has at least one device they can bring to and use in school.
+ About 2-3 of students' classes use media regularly during class.
+ WiFi is not available on a regular basis.
7.) I got to use Google forms for the first time and that was the most fun thing about this project.

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